PLC Exclusion Fencing
For farmers, most fencing tends to go towards keeping stock in—rather than keeping everything else out.
Kangaroos, wild dogs, deer, emus, wild pigs and rabbits can all can cause severe damage to crops, livestock, and property.
Wild dogs and boars can decimate livestock. Deer and kangaroos can trample crops, carry weeds and disease, create overgrazing issues, and degrade water supplies.
The types of fencing used to keep stock in is often ineffective at controlling wild and feral animals on the other side of the fence. This is where exclusion fencing comes in—an additional barrier that is specifically designed to thwart the breaching behaviours of predators and grazing pests.

A well engineered and sturdy built, feral-proof exclusion fence is a critical component of asset and crop protection. PLC Fencing design, engineer and install exclusion fencing for the control and prevention of damage caused by a range of feral animals. If you’ve got a pest problem. We’ve got a pest solution.
We provide a range of design options to maintain efficiency and economies without sacrificing quality or effectiveness.
Remote locations? Difficult conditions? It’s never a problem. We roll-out exclusion fencing across Australia.
PLC—keeping the good stuff in, and the bad stuff out. Straight up.